
作为一个来自宾夕法尼亚州农村的人, walking into PPG Place on my first day as a Risk Advisory intern at Schneider Downs was surreal. 

我又不是没见过这栋楼, as I’ve driven past it countless times as a student at the University of 匹兹堡. There’s just something different about working in it. It feels like you’ve made it – made your mark, in a sense.

That’s the thing about Schneider Downs, too – you can make a mark. I started my first client engagement at the end of my first week. By the end of week three, I had worked on projects for three different clients. It sounds like a lot to have an intern involved to that degree. 确实是这样. However, it never felt that way with all the support I had. There were many times when I simply turned to the person next to me and started asking questions. “我的日程表上有什么会议??或“我如何测试这个控件。?”

The surprising part about this experience was the willingness of every person in the office to help me, 提供建议,稍后再联系. 我在工作中从未感到孤独, and I didn’t realize just how important that aspect of an internship was until I had it.

It’s important to note that employment at Schneider Downs isn’t just all about work. It takes team building to create such a positive atmosphere, and I was able to jump right in during my first week as an intern by attending the 风险咨询bet9平台游戏 (RAS) Women’s Golf League. 

The first monthly golf outing was certainly my favorite event to participate in since it provided a fun day to connect with other women in the Risk Advisory practice. 最棒的是? This is not the only women’s event that will be offered this summer. 在我的实习期间, there will be a number of events provided for women in the firm, which makes it clear just how much Schneider Downs encourages female leadership. 

My Risk Advisory internship has already allowed me to grow both personally and professionally, and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the summer will take me. I am grateful for the numerous opportunities I have had to serve clients and learn more about the field of professional services. Summer 2023 will certainly be a chapter I look back on as a pivotal time of learning and development, 感谢我在施耐德唐斯的实习.


You’ll find that it is our people who make Schneider Downs a special place to work. 风度翩翩,才华横溢, our diverse group of professionals includes some of the most respected professionals in their fields. To learn more about our open positions and internship programs, visit our bet9游戏平台 页面.

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实习 BY 马修Rozanski
实习 BY Haddae艾伦
“Trust” Me, Interning at Schneider Downs is a Rewarding Experience
实习 BY 赛斯罗伯逊
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